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Spring is here !

This is the first organized ride of 2016: the February Chill-Out poker run. Could not have asked for a better day for it. Started out pretty nippy but warmed up nicely by the afternoon, and then dropped back down into the 40's for the ride home. John and I started out in the early morning headed for Lovilia and within 10 miles my rear gear shift lever had vibrated off. Totally my bad, I knew it was loose but figured I'd fix it when I got back home from the ride. Lesson learned. John managed to find it on the highway and I rode the day just using the front gear shift lever. No biggie. This is also the first time I was wearing my new WoolPro baselayer shirt. I'll post an in-depth eval of the shirt shortly.

While I have had the bike out intermittently since November, it was nice to do a decent ride under the illusion that cold weather was done for the year. We had quite a turnout, almost 50 bikes, We hit a total of 5 dens of iniquity during the ride and I even won some money (for the worst possible poker hand, LOL). All in all, an excellent day.

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